What to Expect
You have made a great investment in your health by getting fit for a brace! It is expected that it will take some getting used to and we are here to help you along the way!
Initially, you may feel uncomfortable while your body is adjusting to the brace. The brace is pushing you toward correction and engaging muscles and tissues that have been in prolonged abnormal positions for years. It is completely normal for there to be some discomfort. This can last up to 3-4 weeks in some cases, but should improve with time. It is also common to have slight redness, discoloration, or slight bruising of the skin. Please let us know about these things so we can help you manage things appropriately. If skin irritation is not properly managed, it can turn into a bigger issue. We are here to help!
Sometimes you might experience a slight numbness or ‘pins & needles’ feeling in an arm or leg due to the pressure of the brace. This should resolve when the brace is removed. If the feeling persists, contact your ScoliBrace® Provider for a reassessment. We can modify the brace as needed.
We have a built-in shop at the clinic to make adjustments to the brace as needed throughout your treatment. This includes minor adjustments for comfort, and major adjustments for things like weight loss and replacement of hardware from wear and tear. Please ask your provider for more details if you think this is something you need.
Staying on Track for Success
It is essential for best results that you have regular follow-up appointments with your ScoliBrace® Provider. These follow up visits may occur during weekly ScoliBalance®
visits, or independently if you are not simultaneously doing these rehabilitation visit types in addition to your brace. Follow-up appointments after the initial fitting generally occur at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and then yearly depending on each case. Check with your brace provider for recommendations specific to your care.
Weaning in to the ScoliBrace® and KyphoBrace®
If you are a student, we recommend you not wear your brace to school for the first week after fitting. After 1 week, wear it to school but take regular breaks from sitting. If you need recommendations for special accommodations at school please speak with your provider. We are here to help and can write a letter to your teachers requesting special assistance or extra time accommodations to change for PE class etc.
If recommended that you wear the brace full time, this will mean sleeping in the brace. This can be a little uncomfortable at first but it will get easier. Speak to your provider about the specific time/dose of brace wear time for your case. All spines are different and are at different stages of growth and will have different requirements for maximum correction.
Comfort and Cleaning
It is recommended to wear a clean, soft shirt or clean body sock under the brace to reduce discomfort and skin irritation.This will prevent excess moisture between the brace and your skin. You will be provided with a body sock during your fitting. We also carry these in both black and white and you may purchase additional if needed.
Keep your brace clean and avoid skin irritation or infection by wiping the inside of the brace regularly with isopropyl alcohol wipes. You can shop the recommended alcohol wipes with this Amazon Link
Some of our patients have also found accessories that help make this new lifestyle more fashionable! Check out the link below for some bags that are a little more fashionable then the one that came with your brace! The measurements of this bag work perfectly with a full size brace!
Wearing your ScoliBrace® on long trips is not recommended in the first few weeks after fitting, however if you are motivated and think you can manage, we have no issues with it. You should have no problems with getting the brace through security. There are many people around the world traveling with braces every day!
Screws and Hardware
The screws on your ScoliBrace® and KyphoBrace® will naturally loosen as you continue to wear the brace and pull on the straps. We recommend regularly tightening the screws on the brace with a Phillips Screwdriver. Screws can occasionally pop off and get lost. We can provide you with extra screws as needed for a minimal fee, as these are specialized screws. We also have hardware that can replace dirty straps and worn out buckles. The brace is very durable if cared for properly, but may require maintenance depending on the amount of wear and tear and how well you care for the brace. Speak to our team about pricing for parts and labor.
Sport / Physical Activities
It is ok to continue with most sporting / physical activities, however, do not wear your brace during sports, and do not undertake extreme activities while wearing the brace. Check with your ScoliBrace® Provider about doing your normal sport / activity during brace treatment. And never wear your brace in water!
Tips for Sleeping in Your ScoliBrace®
- Pick soft, breathable fabrics/pajamas
- A good mattress topper can add an extra layer of comfort
- Sleeping on your back is often the most comfortable position
- Using pillows strategically can enhance your comfort
- Make sure your skin is clean and dry before putting on your brace for the night
Growth & Changing Body Size
ScoliBrace® can be adjusted to allow for some growth or change in body size. In some cases, a significant increase in height or a change in body shape (weight gain) may require a rescan and a new brace. Keeping regular follow-up appointments will allow this to be monitored.
Wear & Tear
ScoliBrace® is designed to be strong, but it is not indestructible, so treat your brace with care. Don’t leave it out in freezing conditions, or let it get too hot in a car or by a fireplace. Some accessory parts of the brace may wear over time, for example, the straps. Let your ScoliBrace® Provider know if you notice any wear and tear. Each ScoliBrace® has a 12-month manufacturer’s warranty which covers any “material faults”.
Other Advice
Stay positive! We know this can be a tough journey for you and your family, so please make sure you ask for support and encouragement from others. Wear your ScoliBrace® as directed and seek advice from your ScoliBrace® Provider if you have any questions or concerns.
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